Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thing 3

How might you use a blog with students?
I would like to use a blog to share new books in our collection and to post technology tips (also for staff). I've been reading the blog created by the Teen Services Librarian at Plymouth District Library (see my links) and would like to do something like it. My concern would be the comment field. I'd like to think that our students would comment responsibly. When we tried something similar in Moodle e-classroom, there were a couple of examples of irresponsible comments. We would likely need to set parameters and consequences (after all, it's a middle school).


RESA 23Things said...

Most blogging software allows you to set up your blog so that all comments have to be reviewed and approved by you (the owner of the blog) before they are posted. That's one way to watch for inappropriate comments. Clearly stated and meaningful consequences are also necessary.

High School Teach said...

Reviewing each comment would be very time consuming for one person. I'm not sure of the size of the middle schools, but our high schools have 2000 students (I teach in the same district). I'm wondering if there is another way?