Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Arts Everywhere

This is another example of embedding a widget. National Geographic also has widgets for educational purposes.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Posting iMixes from iTunes.com

Did you know that if you wish to store or share your iTunes playlists, you can go to iTunes.com, Store, Music, iMixes, and follow the directions to import your lists? There are two divisions: regular and sports (workout music). Not only do you have the option to view your own, but you may also view others. You see the titles and sample the music. If you wish to purchase the iMix (playlist), you have that option. You may also share your lists on your blog or social networking sites. Here is one of mine. It is contemporary Jewish Shabbat music, based on the Shabbat Unplugged Friday night services at Temple Israel, West Bloomfield, Michigan.