Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thing 4 Revisited

How do you handle information overload and how do you think RSS might help with that?
My whole life is information overload! I live for information. Seriously, as a media specialist, I am fascinated by information and the technological ways we share information. As mentioned earlier, I recently learned how to use IGoogle Reader, which is similar to Bloglines. I read lots of author blogs and other library media specialists' blogs to stay current in my field. This will really help. One of the problems was that I had saved my blog web addresses at work. So, then I set up delicious.com so that I would have access to them wherever. However, in reality, I didn't access them at home. I had seen the term RSS several years ago, but did not understand what it meant until recently. RSS feeds will simplify my life. No doubt about that. The question will be which I will like better, the Reader or Bloglines. Time will tell.

1 comment:

RESA 23Things said...

It's great that you can compare the two tools - Bloglines and iGoogle. No single tool is right for everyone. It was hard for us to decide on one to use in this project.