Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thing 4

Unfortunately, I have not been success in getting my Bloglines account confirmed. I resubmitted it several times and have contacted their customer support. It's a real bummer, since I have a bunch of blogs I follow and until I knew about RSS, I've set it up under My Favorites and just visit the blogs when I get a chance. Using Bloglines will be so much superior. So, I'll get back to this one. Meanwhile, I did learn how to use IGoogle's Reader in August. I'm looking forward to comparing the two RSS reader systems to see which I like better.


RESA 23Things said...

Sorry you're having trouble with this one - hang in there. It should work and will be a great organizer and timesaver for you.

Leadership and Community said...

I had trouble with Thing 8. I've never worked with html before. I decided to skip it and went back to it later when I could put more time and effort into it. Good luck with bloglines. Maybe you should start over again and get it to work. Or, be patient. Computers can very frustrating at times.