Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thing 15: RSS Revisited

Is RSS becoming easier to understand? Do you recognize new benefits of using this tool? Do you remember to check your feeds regularly? Has it become a habit (or obsession!) yet?
It's a good thing we revisited Bloglines since I haven't been back there lately. Initially, it was overwhelming. Each visit brings an added comfort level. There are still many features left to explore. It would never have occurred to me to integrate delicious with bloglines. I choose "23things" as my tag to track on bloglines. Will it become an obsession? Everything I've learned from 23things will become an obsession. I can't stay away from delicious . Today I learned how to add other people's bookmarks as part of my network. I've added booktalker, who is Nancy Keane, a well-known presenter in the library world. From booktalker's list, I learned about visuwords, an amazing visual dictionary tool.

1 comment:

RESA 23Things said...

Visuwords is very cool - thanks for sharing with us.

As for you and Delicious - I think you're definitely hooked!