Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thing 21: Wikis

Describe a wiki you found that inspires you to create one of your own. What hurdles might stand in the way of your using a wiki? What would it take to remove the hurdles? Is it worth the fight?
This is a teacher created wiki for Mr. Klingman's 8th grade social studies class. Our teacher's are required to use Front Page to create websites. Some are exploring Moodle, which also has a wiki feature. By comparison, wikispaces has more diverse features. The teacher imbedded a video from video streaming. There are documents for class assignments, pdf files, activity sheets, and more. It is an ambitious site. While learning to use a wiki seems less time consuming than Front Page, it still involves layout, preparing documents, deciding on activities and purpose. Only district sanctioned websites are linked to the school website. An advantage of a wiki for posting class assignments is that the teacher may create it anywhere. We are currently re-evaluating our guidelines to reflect newer technologies, such as wikis.

I created a moodle wiki for my technology team so that each role in the daily broadcast was defined. Each student was assigned one section of the wiki but could also comment on the others. I noticed that many student created wikis are not interactive, despite that feature being available. It seems to undervalue the purpose of a wiki.
This is a very useful wiki that provides sources for copyright free materials to use with Photo Story 3.

Other wikis I am interested in: this is Library Success: a Best Practices Wiki is the California Libary Association wiki for web 2.0.

1 comment:

RESA 23Things said...

The nice thing about so many of the Web 2.0 tools is that they are web-based and do not require much of a learning curve like Front Page does. Many schools are still exploring all their options for using the Web. Patience while we wait.